Monday, August 30, 2010

Vegetable Noodles

I love noodles. I love so many dishes that i can't count. May be this love for food has inspired me to experiment with cooking. I will share my noodle recipe which I have treasured since my college days. Very basic, very simple recipe. But I love this one. My hubby also likes it very much. This is ideal for snacks and dinner.

Vegetable Noodles
vegetables like carrot, bean, capsicum (all these cut into thin long slices) - Add vegetable as much as you want, I also add green peas & roasted or fried peanuts. My hubby doesn't like capsicum so i avoid to add that one. U can also add /skip between these vegetable whatever u want.
Onions & green chili cut into thin long slices,

garlic cloves cut into small pieces
Black pepper powder & salt as per taste
Soya Sauce- 1/2 tspoon, Chili sauce as per taste
Refined Oil as required

Boil water. Add little bit of oil in it. Then put noodles & cook as required. Remove water & cook aside.
Or Cook as per the instruction written on packet.
In a pan take 2Tb spoon of oil. When oil becomes hot put the onions, garlic, chili . After 2 mins add all the vegetables. Cover it & let it cook. When vegetables are cooked add the soya sauce, chili sauce (u can skip this one), salt & black pepper powder. Mix it. Then add noodles & mix everything thoroughly. Now vegetable noodles is ready to serve.
I add tomato sauce after served as per individual taste.