Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thin Crust Veg Pizza

Though making Pizza base at home sounds difficult , but believe me this is very simple. I am a beginner with baking but it came out great on the very first time. Second time I made it for a  party at home. My hubby's friends loved this one. After that i have made it several times, but was not able to take snaps. I found the recipe  from "The Singing Chef". I have made little modifications to make it thin crust pizza.
For the Pizza Base:
                            1 &1/2 cup of Refined Flour
                            1 Tbsp yeast
                            1/4 cup of  warm water
                            1/4 cup milk                     
                            1/8 cup of refined sunflower oil
                             1 tsp sugar
                             1 tsp salt (or as per taste)

For the Pizza Toppings:
1 Onion, sliced
1 medium Tomato, chopped finely
1/2 green Capsicum, sliced
1/2 yelllow Capsicum, sliced
1/2 red Capsicum, sliced
4 babycorns cut into long halves
 2 Tbsp of tomato sauce (U can also use pizza sauce available in market)
100g grated Pizza Cheese (U can also use mozzarella cheese )
Salt to taste
1 tsp garam masala powder
1 tsp oil

Note: you can also add paneer cubes, sweet corn, olives, jalapenos. 
Take a mixing bowl and place the milk, oil, salt and sugar in it. Add yeast to the warm water & leave it for 5 mins. Then add the water yeast mixture to milk mixture & mix it properly. Add the flour and knead into a dough. If required add little more flour. Cover the dough with a damp muslin cloth. Allow to rise until double in size (roughly 45-50 minutes). The long the better. Sometimes i make dough in afternoon and make pizza in the evening. It rises really nice and fluffy.
 To make the pizza take some dough, roll it using rolling pin. Then place aluminum foil on baking tray. Sprinkle little bit of oil & spread it. Spread out the pizza base. Then spread tomato sauce over it. Sprinkle the vegetables topping. Then comes the grated cheese. Then sprinkle little bit of salt & garam masala powder. Bake it in a pre heated oven for 15-20 mins at 210 C.
Serve with tomato ketchup. Add little bit of oregano for the effect. If you want it spicy add chilli flakes.