Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Noodles Sandwich

Does it sound little odd? It was my Hubby's idea. He used relish this one during his hostel days. I tried it for the first time. But believe me it was worth trying.


One Maggi masala noodle (u can use whatever noodles u want)
4 brown bread slices
some fried peanuts
One small onion cut into thin long slices
Tomato Ketchup

First toast the bread slices. Simultaneously cook the noodles as per instruction written on the pack. Keep one slice of bread on the plate. Place some noodles on it. Add some peanuts & onions. Cover it with another slice of bread. Cut it into halves & serve immediately with tomato ketchup.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Vegetable Noodles

I love noodles. I love so many dishes that i can't count. May be this love for food has inspired me to experiment with cooking. I will share my noodle recipe which I have treasured since my college days. Very basic, very simple recipe. But I love this one. My hubby also likes it very much. This is ideal for snacks and dinner.

Vegetable Noodles
vegetables like carrot, bean, capsicum (all these cut into thin long slices) - Add vegetable as much as you want, I also add green peas & roasted or fried peanuts. My hubby doesn't like capsicum so i avoid to add that one. U can also add /skip between these vegetable whatever u want.
Onions & green chili cut into thin long slices,

garlic cloves cut into small pieces
Black pepper powder & salt as per taste
Soya Sauce- 1/2 tspoon, Chili sauce as per taste
Refined Oil as required

Boil water. Add little bit of oil in it. Then put noodles & cook as required. Remove water & cook aside.
Or Cook as per the instruction written on packet.
In a pan take 2Tb spoon of oil. When oil becomes hot put the onions, garlic, chili . After 2 mins add all the vegetables. Cover it & let it cook. When vegetables are cooked add the soya sauce, chili sauce (u can skip this one), salt & black pepper powder. Mix it. Then add noodles & mix everything thoroughly. Now vegetable noodles is ready to serve.
I add tomato sauce after served as per individual taste.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Panas manji chuin alu bhaja

Its an authentic oriya recipe.The name "Panas manji chuin alu bhaja" suggests about the ingredients. In oriya jackfruit seeds are called Panas manji, chuin means drumstick & alu is potato.

1 potato cut into 2 inch long thin slices(just like french fries)

2 drumsticks cut into 2 inch long slices
few jack fruit seeds(sun dried for 4 to 5 days & cut into half)
2tspoon mustard seeds
1/2 t spoon cumin

2 to 3 whole dry red chillies
Salt as per taste & little bit turmeric powder
refined oil


First make a paste of mustard seeds, cumin & whole dry red chillies adding a little bit of water. Wash the vegetables. In a pressure cooker put all the vegetables . Add the paste. Add some salt & turmeric powder. Mix it & close the lid. After a single whistle remove it from flame. In a pan add little bit of oil. Add some cumin seeds & 1 whole red chili. Then add the vegetables & saute it for 2-3 minutes.
Now its ready to serve.Its usually served with rice, dalma & tomato or mango khata.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Paneer Ball Manchurian

I got this recipe through a tv show.I tried this one & i liked it.So i thought to share this one.
For paneer balls-

Crushed paneer-50 gm
2 boiled potatoes

Salt as per taste
A pinch of chilli powder

1/2 tspoon refined flour
1/2 tspoon corn flour
Oil for frying

For Manchurian-
1 onion cut into thin long slices
1 green chili cut into thin long slices
4 to 5 garlic cloves cut into thin small pieces
2 tspoon tomato ketchup
1/2 tspoon chilly sauce
1/2 tspoon soya sauce
1/2 tspoon chicken masala or any curry powder
1/2 tspoon garam masala
little bit of turmeric & chili powder
finely chopped coriander leaves


First make a dough of all the ingredients except oil. Then heat oil in a kadai.Make small balls of that dough & deep fry till the paneer balls became red.It looks just like gulabjamuns.

Then add little bit of oil in a pan.Saute the onions , green chili &garlic cloves for 2 mins. Then add turmeric powder, little bit of salt ,chili powder,chicken masala, garam masala & all the sauces. Then add paneer balls. Saute for 1 minute. Sprinkle coriander leaves & remove from flame.Its now ready to serve.
Try this one & let me know your feedback.If u have all the ingredients ready then it'll be prepared within 10 minutes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chicken Roll

I am very fond of chicken roll. So one day I made some rolls. Surprisingly my husband and his friends loved it. Chicken roll is a very popular street food in Orissa. Many people also know it as Frankie. But I still love the chicken rolls which can be found at any roadside food stalls in my home town Cuttack. So I will share my secret.

In short a "Chicken Roll" is tortillas made of flour wrapped with egg with a filling of chicken, keemas or vegetables are called chicken rolls.

Ingredients:(To make 6-7 rolls)
For Dough:
  • 250 gm refined flour
  • salt as per taste
  • water as required

For filling:
  • eggs (1 per each refined flour rotis)
  • boneless chicken- 250 gm cut into small pieces
  • curd- 1 tb spoon
  • chilli powder as per taste
  • chicken masala -1 tspoon
  • turmeric powder -1/2 tspoon
  • garam masala -1/2 tspoon
  • ginger garlic paste-1 tspoon
  • salt as per taste
  • 2 onions cut into long thin slices

For garnishing:
  • 1 big onion cut into long thin slices
  • 1 small portion of cabbage cut into long thin slices(optional)
  • 1 green chilli cut into small pieces
  • a pinch of bllack pepper powder
  • 1 spoon tomato ketch up
  • little bit chilli sauce

First knead the dough using all the ingredients for dough. Then make thin rotis of the dough.
Marinate the chicken with curd,red chilli powder,turmeric powder, chicken masala, ginger garlic paste & salt. Keep it aside for 1 hour.After 1 hr put oil in a kadai, then add the chicken to the oil.
Let it cook for few minutes until the chickens are cooked.Add garam masala.Remove it from kadai. then add little more oil & saute the onions & ginger garlic paste till golden brown . Then add the chicken. After 2 -3 minutes remove it from flame.
Then in a bowl whip 1 egg with little salt, red chilli powder & turmeric powder.Then put little oil in a pan.Spread the oil in the pan. Then add the egg mixture on the pan & then place the roti on that egg mixture.When cooked turn it around. Then remove it from flame. Place it on a small sheet of paper with the egg side on top.Then spread tomato ketchup, chilli sauce & put the chicken masala.then sprinkle some black pepper powder.Put some thin sliced onions & chiilis & make it like a roll. Now your roll is ready to serve.

Enjoy your roll and share your experiences as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Youth For Seva"

Last year during the teach india campaign of toi i came across "Youth For Seva".YFS is a ngo working in Bangalore & surrounding areas. They are also an integral part of Teach India campaign. They provide a platform for youth to contribute to the social cause. This I found to be ideal for professionals. They undertake various projects in schools, orphanages & hospitals in different areas of Bangalore. Anyone who wants to join only have to spend a few hrs in a week/month according to their availability. You can choose the locality and the organization. They have a mailing list which keeps you informed about their activities. For further details visit their website