Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Panas manji chuin alu bhaja

Its an authentic oriya recipe.The name "Panas manji chuin alu bhaja" suggests about the ingredients. In oriya jackfruit seeds are called Panas manji, chuin means drumstick & alu is potato.

1 potato cut into 2 inch long thin slices(just like french fries)

2 drumsticks cut into 2 inch long slices
few jack fruit seeds(sun dried for 4 to 5 days & cut into half)
2tspoon mustard seeds
1/2 t spoon cumin

2 to 3 whole dry red chillies
Salt as per taste & little bit turmeric powder
refined oil


First make a paste of mustard seeds, cumin & whole dry red chillies adding a little bit of water. Wash the vegetables. In a pressure cooker put all the vegetables . Add the paste. Add some salt & turmeric powder. Mix it & close the lid. After a single whistle remove it from flame. In a pan add little bit of oil. Add some cumin seeds & 1 whole red chili. Then add the vegetables & saute it for 2-3 minutes.
Now its ready to serve.Its usually served with rice, dalma & tomato or mango khata.

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely bhaja... Glad to find your site. Lovely place.... keep it going...
